Saturday, November 22, 2008

Google Jesus - Week 4 Assignment

After a short ministry that had gained little traction, the life of Jesus came to a sudden and violent end at Passover time in Jerusalem. Having reproached the cities of the evangelical triangle (Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum) where he performed his mightiest works with only meager results, it was time to go to the holy city. Yet Jerusalem would be even less welcoming to his preaching, and highly dangerous as well. Luke records that Jesus resolutely set his face toward Jerusalem. Whatever was to happen with his ministry would now happen there. After a tumultuous entry and an incident in the Temple, the days of Jesus were numbered. This week’s assignment then centers on Jerusalem and the death of the teacher from Nazareth who some believed was the Messiah.

Trace the steps of Jesus from baptism to the Via Dolorosa at Sacred Destinations. (Click here)

Let John Dominic Crossan give you a lesson in “Crowd Control.” His essay will cause you to rethink a significant aspect of the passion story. (Click here)

Visit again the home page of the PBS series From Jesus to Christ and bookmark this important site. While there, read the articles on “Crucifixion” and “Arrest and Execution" at the Jesus' Many Faces tab. (Click here)

For as masterful job of explaining how Passover was celebrated in the first century, again visit our friend Barry D. Smith. (Click here)

Find out what a archaeological architect does by checking out Leen Ritmeyer’s sketch of the Jerusalem temple and the location of the crucifixion of Jesus. Make sure you click to enlarge the sketch for a closer view. For more of Leen’s work, see his interview at the Bible Illustration blog and then visit his own web site. (Click here) then (Click here) and then (Click here)

Take a quick look at another model of the temple and important surrounding locations at the Holy Land Model of Ancient Jerusalem. Be sure to click on the numbers at this site. (Click here)

Finally, at the Jerusalem Archaeology Park, thanks to the UCLA Urban Simulation Team and the Israel Antiquities Authority, you can tour a visual simulation model of the Herodian Temple Mount from the time of Jesus. At this amazing site, you have access to a wealth of historical and archaeological data, as well as viewing the Virtual Reconstruction Model. (Click here)

Online Assignment
How did this week’s study of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount help you better understand the last day’s of Jesus.

Reading Assignment
Read Chapter 4 and Epilogue, pp 111 – 171

Write a brief review of our text, Jesus and the Land by Charles Page. Think of your readers as revJohn visitors who are looking for helpful “customer reviews” of the book. Provide a 1 to 5 star rating, with 5 stars the highest and 1 star the lowest rating.


Catherine said...


Great job on the blog!

The picture of you with the blues brothers is keen!

On a serious not, This is fantastic! The links are amazing...especially the rendering of Jerusalem at the time of jesus's death. Of course galgotha means "the place of the skull" and the actual hill of galgotha does look like a skull. However thousands of years of erosion most likely miss shaped the hill from the time of Jesus. In the linked picture you will notice a fence, thats because the hill is now the back wall of a bus station. It is amazing how close the garden tomb is to the actual hill. You could literally throw a baseball from the tomb and hit the skull. Of course in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre it is just as close; and on another level.

I have already spent 30 minutes looking at your blog and I am sure I will return - absolutely great references.

On a personal note, staying true to the mormon belief of revelation and volunteerism. I have moved from teaching eager adults to watching over the 18 month to 3 year old group; the title is "Nursery leader". I have gone from the letters of paul to "everybody poops". I guess it is a lesson in humility. Even the highest called can be relegated to the lowliest office. This week I am going to try and teach the building blocks of jewish politics in the 2nd century. I think it will be a hit if I do it right after snack time!

--I will check back often!

Stephen said...


Just a note to let you know I was here.

The course was interesting but I wish you would include more of your own material. I'm about to start teaching Acts in SS class and I'm going to rely a lot on notes from your SS class.

Judy H., if you read this, stop beating your head against a wall and come on over to the D of C. Embrace the inclusivenss.

Stephen - class of 68

revJohn said...

Stephen, I'm glad to know you're out there. One quick thought about Acts. Make sure you take a step back and have a good handle on the literary structure of Luke-Acts. Sometimes when we do verse-by-verse study we miss the author's big picture. Also, develop you approach to the "speeches" in Acts. They are one of the key features in the book. And finally, what is the genre of Luke, Volume 2. It's not really history, even though we often speak of it in that fashion. So what is it? Enjoy you study.