Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Last Week - SIX: Friday

Key ideas from the Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan.

Friday, what is now called Good Friday, was the day of Jesus' execution. The authors raise the question: Was his death the will of God? Their answer is a responding "No." But from one vantage point, the death of Jesus was inevitable because that is what domination systems did to those who challenged them. Here are three quotes that sum up the "why" of Jesus' death:
1. ". . . Jesus's passion for the kingdom of God led to what is often called his passion, namely, his suffering and death."
2. "Good Friday is the result of the collision between the passion of Jesus and the domination systems of his time."
3. "Jesus did not die for the sins of the world. . .he was killed because of the sin of the world."

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