Monday, September 7, 2009

Joachim Jeremias - 1900 - 1979

The work of older scholars are seldom talked about. This past Sunday our adult education teacher, Bill Geary, mentioned the name of German scholar Joachim Jeremias. Jeremias, a Lutheran, was appointed to the chair of New Testament studies at the University of Gottingen in 1935 and taught there until his retirement in 1968. His writings have greatly influenced New Testament studies and anyone interested in "Jesus studies" should know his work. Three books in particular that Disciples should have in their library include:
  1. The Eucharistic Words of Jesus
  2. New Testament Theology: The Proclamation of Jesus
  3. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus: An Investigation int Economic and Social Conditions During the New Testament Period
You have only to read Jeremias' Theology to be convinced that Jesus used 'Abba consistently as an address to God.

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