Monday, May 4, 2009

Where's the Beef - Part 2

So what can you do if your church's adult education program is lacking in substance? Here's a few steps on how to get "the beef" you need.
  1. Share with your elders or adult education minister your disappointment with course offerings.
  2. Be prepared to make specific recommendations on what courses/subjects would be helpful for your (the congregation's) spiritual development.
  3. If your church does not have the resources to provide intellectually rigorous and meaningful classes, be proactive and utilize online resources. Take a Yale University online Old Testament course or go to Phil Harland's Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean site and listen to one of his podcast series.
  4. Check out the offerings of the Learning Company and see if one of their religion courses might prove helpful.
  5. Identify a substantial theological/biblical studies book and systematically work through the text over several weeks. See if others will do the reading along with you.
  6. Find a biblioblog that deals with subjects you are interested in and follow/dialog with the posts.
  7. Continue to visit revJohn.

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